Race Schedule

Committed to (aka spent the bucks):

10/30/11 - VooDu-athlon 2m/10m/2m
11/5/11 - SJA Stampede 5k
11/19/11 - Golden Fliers 10m
11/24/11 - Turkey Trot 5k
12/3/11 - Baton Rouge Beach Half Marathon
1/15/12 - LA Marathon (Half)

Wanting to do:

12/17/11 - Thunderbird Trail 6m or Half
2/11/12 - Hot Chocolate 15k Dallas 5k/15k


5/28/11 - Jambalya Fest 5k - run/walk 40:09
7/23/11 - Light up the Night 5k - (course cut short so time is guesstimate) 32:14

Bucket List:

* I'm not including any races prior to 2011 as it would just be to difficult to find the times.