
Cool weather is a runner's best friend...

Mine at least.

I still consider myself an 11:30 runner.

This is from Saturday's run. The plan was a 6 miles. I think they were hoping for more none half training runners to come out for the launch of the new Brooks Pure Project shoes. (I want some so bad!) I think the cool weather kept people at home. We only had 5 show up for our group run, and I was the only slow one :(

I know I started out too fast. We started from a different point. I love change but it was a downhill. My first two miles came in under 10. I was sure there was no way for me to keep that up for a third much less four more miles. I kept telling myself to slow down but just couldn't get my body to listen. I even passed on my normal potty break!

For most of the run, I could see our token dude (only one male in the class) ahead of me in his bright green shirt. Every time he caught my eye I thought "I shouldn't be able to see him anymore". At the end, he said he saw me still back there about mile four and thought the same thing!

The funny part is that after Wed. nights intervals which I was shooting for 2:45/3:20 and doing 2:15/2:45, I got to thinking that there was no way I would ever be able to hold that pace for a 5k. Now I am thinking a sub 30 minute 5k may be in my future. I'll have to wait until November to find out tho. I've already registered for a race then. I was planning  on doing one this month but I got a different better offer for my money:

Run for the Hills is running a marathon and raising money for St. Jude's at the same time. It's a great cause, and there are prizes, so my money was put to a much better cause. I can wait for my PR.

Currently I am in week 7 of Half training. It's still far enough away that I'm not getting nervous yet (I'll over-achieve in this later). And I'm still impressing myself with what I accomplish weekly so I am still real motivated. As for the weather, I went on a 3 mile run Monday and did it in 10:05. I'm gonna enjoy fall.